
Laboratory for Welding Engineering and Quality Control



Head Prof. Duško Pavletić person.image.file.alt
+385 51 651463, int. 2463 (Office)



Assistant Maja Marković

Laboratory purpose/research:

The laboratory supports the work of students in courses related to welding and joining materials. In the laboratory environment, students get acquainted with the equipment and devices for welding, soldering and thermal cutting of materials and the basics of non-destructive testing of welded joints. Laboratory equipment is actively used for students’ seminars, final paper and master's thesis.

The laboratory conducts scientific and experimental research related to the application and optimization of arc welding processes, resulting in published scientific papers and doctoral dissertations.

It is also worth noting the developed cooperation with welding oriented industry in the area where students develop their practical competences in the field of the expertise.

Laboratory equipment:


oprema laboratorija.jpg rad studenata u laboratoriju.jpg

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Welding Engineering I

Welding Engineering II

Welding Engineering

Joining of Materials

Quality Assurance

Quality Management

Total quality management

Quality engineering

Statistical process control