Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Laboratory for testing of materials

Head of laboratory assist. prof. Matej Fonović

Purpose of the laboratory:

In the laboratory, the characterization of materials is carried out by testing of the mechanical properties, microstructure, macrostructure and testing of the chemical composition in production and during operation, for the purposes of tecahing and scientific research.


List of laboratory equipment:

Portable hardness tester alphaDUR mini, AD-12-102

Portable hardness tester which works on the principle of ultrasonic measurement of detected frequency shift of oscillating bar in the probe (UCI method).

Indentation force 50 N or 100 N (HV5 i HV10)






Ferrite meter Diverse Technologies MF300Fe+

Device for measurement of ferrite content in austenitic or duplex steels.






Portable hardness tester DynaROCK II

Portable hardness tester which works on rebound principle (Leeb rebound hardness test).




Hand yoke TWM 230 A 071310

Device for testing of welded joints by magnetic particles.



UV lamp LABINO PH 135 UV Compact

UV lamp for testing of welded joints by fluorescent particles.





Camera Dino Lite model AM7023

Camera for connecting metallographic microscope with computer.



Metallographic microscope Carl Zeiss

Metallographic microscope with 50x, 100x, 250x and 500x magnification.





Stereomicroscope Carl Zeiss

Stereomicroscope with magnification up to 65x.



Charpy pendulum impact machine

Device for testing of impact toughness of materials with pendulum weights of 15 kg and 30 kg.




Rockwell hardness tester

Hardness tester with indenters for Rockwell C (HRC) and Rockwell B (HRC) hardness testing.



Spectrometer Leco GDS500A

Device for testing of chemical composition.


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