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Project title



Short description of the project

Alarm automatika, in cooperation with the Technical Faculty in Rijeka, through research and development activities in the field of ecology and safety, designed a product that is at the same time intended to protect homes, business premises and other facilities and increase energy efficiency. ABsistemDCiCloud is an innovation on the market based on developed software, which will enable users to have supervision and control over energy consumption in addition to technical protection.


Aims and expected results of the project

The project aims is to develop an innovative product ABsistemDCiCloud, in cooperation with the scientific research sector, that will provide functionalities in the field of energy efficiency to users of technical protection that have not been enabled so far through the establishment of a database in the cloud without installing hardware at the client’s location.


Total project value and amount co-financed by the EU (in HRK)

The total value of the project is 4,999,955.44H RK, and the amount co-financed by the EU is 4,586,867.34 HRK


Project implementation period

17th of August 2020 to 18. of August 2023


Contact for mor information

The project's activities are supervised by:

Milica Blečić, project supervision 

Jonatan Lerga, project implementation and supervision at the Faculty of Engineering 

Ardea Segnan, project implementation 



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European Structural and Investment Funds: 

