Undergraduate University Study of Naval Architecture
Head: Assist. Prof. Dunja Legović
About the study
Admission requirements
Requirements for admission to study and transfer from other higher education institutions
Undergraduate university study in Naval Architecture shall prepare students for the graduate university study in Naval Architecture, and shall also provide opportunities for employment at appropriate professional positions. In the undergraduate study in Naval Architecture, the students shall be provided in a reasonable amount and at a sufficiently high level with knowledge in basic engineering on the one hand, and on the other, in main naval architecture, so that in their student practice, as well as in their further professional development, they shall meet the demands of the given tasks. In its scope and content, the study shall provide students with the necessary breadth of professional knowledge that shall enable them at the end of their study to carry out work independently and in professional teams in any segment of naval architecture. Graduating students must be capable of pursuing lifelong learning and professional development, and they must have a broad education (being familiar with topics outside engineering). If students decide to continue their study, they shall be able to enrol into the graduate university study in Naval Architecture at the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Engineering, or same study at other universities in Croatia.
Learning outcomes
Basic knowledge – naval architecture
- Characterise technical systems in the field of naval architecture
- Characterise technical processes in the field of naval architecture
- Evaluate the results of calculations, computations, and measurements on the basis of critical thinking and intellectual integrity
Specialist qualifications – naval architecture
- Apply basic and specialist knowledge in addressing specific requests in the field of naval architecture
- Select criteria for the dimensioning and building of technical systems in naval architecture
- Select criteria for the dimensioning and forming of technical processes in naval architecture
Applied skills
- Estimate the application of appropriate procedures for solving engineering problems
- Solve a given engineering problem by using acquired methods with the possibility of applying appropriate engineering tools
- Apply the principles of ethics and ethical responsibility and understand the influence of engineering solutions on the society and the surroundings
Length of study
3 years
Academic title
Bachelor of Science in Naval Architecture