

The project


ADRIATinn aims to increase the competiveness of the Adriatic area SMEs (i.e. help them maintain the market share they currently have) and their extroversion capability (i.e. extent their business and penetrate to new markets) through a cross border ecosystem that fosters ICT adoption, innovation and specialization, incorporating solutions proposed by specialized R&D institutes, which, in their turn, will be adopted as guidelines by the public authorities (i.e. regional governments) of the area. Focus is provided on the energy and bio-economy sectors and new cross-sectorial themes (focusing on well-being sector combining food industry, tourism and health/sports).

ADRIATinn will not be limited only to the definition of a series of policy/strategy/best practices recommendations, which will lead to the definition of collaboration protocols among involved partners, but it will implement extensive pilot actions that will prove the concept of the project and will contribute to the implementation of an ecosystem boosting SMEs capacities.

Info days linked with targeted media communications; success stories seminars inspiring entrepreneurs; co-labs fostering collaboration and identification of experts; start-up weekends promoting creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship; collaboration among SMEs and teams of researchers with the aim to address identified RDI needs; SMEs and spin-offs helpdesks, also solving legal, administrative and IP issues; mentoring programs etc. will aim to experiment the relevant instruments/tools/mechanisms and to test their efficacy, efficiency and feasibility, as well as, their functioning and viability for wider dissemination in the Programme area.

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This web site has been produced with the financial assistance of the IPA Adriatic Cross-Border Cooperation Programme. The contents of this web site are the sole responsibility of University of Rijeka – Faculty of Engineering and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the IPA Adriatic Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Authorities.